Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship : Student Update and Opportunities


The Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship offers a unique opportunity for aspiring scholars to pursue their postgraduate studies at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). This prestigious scholarship program aims to develop leaders, improve access to higher education, and provide financial support to successful applicants. In this article, we will explore the importance of student updates for scholarship recipients and highlight the various opportunities available through the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship.

Brief Overview of the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship

The Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship is a highly competitive program that provides full-ride scholarships to exceptional individuals. The scholarship covers fees, tuition, books/equipment costs, board/lodging expenses, and travel expenses. It is open to residents/nationals of eligible countries who are in the early stages of their careers.

The Importance of Student Updates for Scholarship Recipients

Student updates play a crucial role in maximizing the scholarship experience. Regularly providing updates allows scholars to showcase their progress and achievements, demonstrating their commitment to the scholarship program. These updates also serve as a means of communication between scholars and the foundation, fostering a strong relationship built on trust and transparency.

Opportunities for Personal and Professional Development

Beyond financial support, the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship offers numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth:

  • Participating in leadership conferences
  • Attending workshops
  • Engaging in other developmental activities that enhance skills and broaden perspectives

These activities aim to develop scholars into well-rounded individuals who can make a positive impact in their respective fields.

Building Connections within the Scholar Community

Another valuable aspect of the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship is the chance to connect with fellow scholars from diverse backgrounds. These connections can lead to:

  • Lasting friendships
  • Collaborative projects
  • Exchange of ideas and knowledge

By fostering a supportive community, the scholarship program creates an environment where scholars can thrive and support each other’s growth.

Teasing Other Topics

In addition to the points mentioned above, we will also cover the following topics in future sections of this article:

  1. International exchanges and research collaborations
  2. Social impact projects supported by the scholarship program
  3. Preparing for future career opportunities
  4. Details about the application and selection process

Stay tuned for more information on these areas!

Staying Connected: The Role of Student Updates in Maximizing Your Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship Experience

Regular student updates play a crucial role in maximizing your experience as a recipient of the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship. By providing updates on your progress and achievements, you not only showcase your growth but also demonstrate your continued eligibility and commitment to the scholarship program.

Why Do You Need to Provide Regular Student Updates?

  • Transparency and Accountability: Regular updates keep the Jardine Foundation informed about your academic and personal development, allowing them to track your progress and ensure that you are making the most of the opportunities provided by the scholarship.

Showcasing Your Progress and Achievements

  • Highlighting Academic Excellence: Student updates give you the chance to share your academic achievements, such as research papers published or presentations given at conferences. By showcasing your intellectual growth, you demonstrate that you are making the most of the educational resources available to you.
  • Sharing Extracurricular Involvement: In addition to academic achievements, student updates provide an opportunity for you to share your involvement in extracurricular activities. This could include leadership roles in student organizations, volunteering efforts, or community engagement initiatives. By sharing these experiences, you demonstrate a well-rounded approach to personal and professional development.

Demonstrating Continued Eligibility and Commitment to the Scholarship Program

  • Maintaining Good Standing: Regular student updates allow you to show that you are meeting the expectations outlined by the Jardine Foundation. By providing evidence of your continued eligibility, such as maintaining a certain GPA or fulfilling any required program obligations, you reinforce your commitment to upholding the values of the scholarship.
  • Fostering a Strong Relationship: Through consistent communication, student updates help build a strong relationship between you and the Jardine Foundation. This connection can open doors for mentorship opportunities, networking events, and other forms of support that can enhance your scholarship experience.

Providing regular student updates is essential for maximizing your Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship experience. By showcasing your progress, achievements, and continued commitment to the scholarship program, you can strengthen your relationship with the foundation and open doors to additional opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Guidelines for Effective Student Updates

To make the most of your Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship experience, it is essential to provide regular student updates. These updates not only keep the scholarship committee informed about your progress but also demonstrate your continued eligibility and commitment to the program. Here are some guidelines to ensure that your student updates are effective:

  1. Be Clear and Concise in Your Communications: When writing your updates, be sure to communicate your achievements, challenges, and goals concisely. Use clear language and avoid unnecessary jargon or technical terms that may confuse the reader. By being clear and concise, you can effectively convey your message and make it easier for the scholarship committee to understand your progress.
  2. Use a Professional and Polished Tone: Your student updates should maintain a professional tone throughout. Use formal language and proper grammar to showcase your professionalism. Remember that these updates are an opportunity to impress the scholarship committee and demonstrate your maturity and commitment to academic excellence.
  3. Include a Variety of Media Formats to Enhance Engagement: Student updates don’t have to be limited to written reports. Consider incorporating different media formats such as photos, videos, or presentations to enhance engagement. For example, you can create a video showcasing your research progress or present a slideshow summarizing your achievements. Using multimedia can help bring your updates to life and make them more engaging for the scholarship committee.

By following these guidelines for effective student updates, you can effectively communicate your progress, maintain professionalism, and engage the scholarship committee in a meaningful way. Remember, regular communication is key to maximizing your Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship experience.

Opportunities Beyond the Financial Support: Leveraging the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship for Personal Growth and Networking

The Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship not only provides financial support for your studies but also offers a range of opportunities for personal growth and networking experiences. As a scholar, you can leverage these opportunities to enhance your skills, broaden your horizons, and build valuable connections with scholars from diverse backgrounds.

Participating in Leadership Conferences and Workshops

One of the ways you can maximize your scholarship experience is by taking part in leadership conferences and workshops. These events provide a platform for you to develop your leadership abilities, learn from industry experts, and gain valuable insights into different fields. By actively participating in these gatherings, you can expand your knowledge, improve your problem-solving skills, and enhance your ability to lead and influence others.

Engaging with Scholars from Diverse Backgrounds

Another significant advantage of the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship is the opportunity to connect with scholars from various backgrounds. The scholarship program attracts talented individuals from different countries and disciplines. Engaging with these scholars allows you to exchange ideas, share experiences, and collaborate on projects that have the potential to create a positive impact on society. By building relationships with fellow scholars, you can develop a strong network that will support and inspire you throughout your academic journey and beyond.

By taking advantage of the personal development and networking opportunities offered by the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship, you can enhance your skills, broaden your perspectives, and establish meaningful connections with like-minded individuals. These experiences will not only contribute to your personal growth but also open doors to future collaborations and career opportunities. So make sure to seize these opportunities and make the most out of your time as a Jardine Scholar.

Building Lasting Connections within the Jardine Scholar Community

The Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship offers more than just financial support. It provides a unique opportunity to build lasting connections within the Jardine Scholar Community. This global network of scholars brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds, creating a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional growth.

Overview of the Global Network of Jardine Scholars

  • The Jardine Scholar Community spans across different regions and countries, fostering a rich tapestry of perspectives and experiences.
  • Scholars have the opportunity to engage in meaningful interactions with peers who share a passion for academic excellence, leadership, and community development.
  • The network facilitates mentorship opportunities, collaborative projects, and cultural exchange programs, enriching the overall scholarship experience.

By actively participating in this vibrant community, scholars can broaden their horizons, gain insights from different cultural contexts, and establish connections that extend far beyond their academic pursuits. These connections can pave the way for future collaborations, career opportunities, and lifelong friendships. Embracing the sense of camaraderie within the Jardine Scholar Community is an integral part of maximizing the scholarship experience.

The networking opportunities provided by the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship not only contribute to personal growth but also lay the foundation for a global network of professionals committed to making a positive impact in their respective fields. Additionally, these connections resonate with those fostered by similar prestigious scholarships like Chevening, thereby expanding the potential reach and impact of the Jardine Scholar Community.

Expanding Your Horizons through International Exchanges and Research Collaborations

The Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship not only provides financial support for your studies but also offers opportunities to expand your horizons through international exchanges and research collaborations. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Encouraging Cultural Exchange through Study Abroad Programs

The scholarship program recognizes the importance of cultural exchange in broadening perspectives and enhancing personal growth. As a Jardine Scholar, you may have the chance to participate in study abroad programs, allowing you to:

  • Immerse yourself in a different academic environment
  • Experience a new culture firsthand

This can be an enriching experience that not only enhances your academic knowledge but also helps you develop a global mindset and cross-cultural communication skills. It’s worth noting that globalization itself plays a significant role in this process, as it helps to spread knowledge and technology across borders, fostering even more opportunities for cultural exchange.

2. Collaborating with Scholars from Around the Globe

The Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship fosters collaboration among scholars from diverse backgrounds. Through research collaborations, you can:

  • Work with fellow scholars who have different expertise and perspectives
  • Generate innovative ideas and solutions

These collaborations can open doors for future partnerships and networking opportunities, both within academia and industry. The benefits extend beyond professional connections; they contribute to the global knowledge community by exposing you to different research methodologies and approaches, helping you broaden your academic horizons.

By actively engaging in international exchanges and research collaborations, you can:

  • Broaden your academic and professional network
  • Gain exposure to diverse research methodologies and approaches
  • Contribute to the global knowledge community

Remember, as a Jardine Scholar, it is important to seize these opportunities for personal growth and development. Embrace the chance to learn from different cultures, collaborate with scholars from around the world, and make a positive impact through your research.

Contributing to Society: Social Impact Projects Supported by the Scholarship Program

The Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship not only focuses on academic excellence and personal growth but also emphasizes the importance of contributing to society. Scholars are encouraged to actively engage in social impact projects that promote community development through volunteer initiatives. This provides an opportunity for scholars to apply their knowledge and skills to address real-world challenges, making a positive difference in the lives of others.

By participating in volunteer initiatives, scholars can gain valuable insights into community dynamics, develop empathy, and enhance their leadership abilities. These experiences not only enrich the scholars’ personal growth but also contribute to building a more inclusive and sustainable society. The scholarship program’s support for social impact projects underscores its commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are dedicated to making meaningful contributions to the community.

Through these initiatives, scholars can cultivate a deeper understanding of societal needs, foster meaningful connections with local communities, and create lasting impacts that extend beyond their academic pursuits. The scholarship program empowers scholars to become catalysts for positive change, instilling a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement that transcends geographical boundaries.

Preparing for Future Career Opportunities as a Jardine Scholar

The Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship not only supports your academic journey but also provides valuable resources to prepare you for future career opportunities. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Access to Mentorship

As a Jardine Scholar, you have access to experienced mentors who can provide guidance and support as you navigate your academic and professional pursuits. These mentors can offer valuable insights, advice, and networking opportunities to help you make informed decisions about your career path.

2. Internship Placement Programs

The scholarship program often facilitates internship placements with reputable organizations, allowing you to gain practical experience in your field of study. These internships can be instrumental in helping you build a strong professional foundation and expand your skill set.

By leveraging these resources, you can enhance your career readiness and position yourself for success in the competitive job market.

Application and Selection Process

The Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship offers a prestigious opportunity for individuals in the early stages of their career to pursue postgraduate study at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). To apply for this scholarship, it is important to understand the eligibility criteria and key dates for application. Here is an overview:

Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Nationality/Residency: The scholarship is available to residents/nationals of eligible countries. It is important to check the specific eligibility requirements based on your country of residence. Some resources like MDC Scholarships, Folds of Honor Scholarships, and NHSC Scholarship Application Guidance can help you navigate through different scholarship opportunities.
  2. Academic Achievement: Applicants should have a strong academic background, demonstrating excellence in their previous studies and a high potential for future success.
  3. Personal Qualities/Character: The scholarship seeks individuals who possess leadership qualities, fellowship, and a commitment to public duties and community involvement.
  4. Community Involvement/Activities: Applicants should have a track record of active participation in community projects, volunteer initiatives, or extracurricular activities that demonstrate their commitment to making a positive impact.
  5. Commitment to Public Duties/Community Involvement: The scholarship values individuals who are dedicated to serving society and contributing to its development.

Key Dates for Application

The application process for the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship typically opens in mid-August for Fall courses. It is important to stay updated with the official website or contact the International Relations Office at ITB via email at iro@itb.ac.id for the most accurate information regarding application deadlines and submission requirements. Additionally, if you are considering applying to other scholarships or universities, it may be helpful to familiarize yourself with their respective application options and important dates.

By understanding the eligibility criteria and key dates for application, prospective applicants can plan accordingly and ensure they submit their applications on time.

Remember, securing this prestigious scholarship requires careful preparation and attention to detail throughout the application process.


As you think about the opportunities offered by the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate Scholarship, remember that this prestigious program is a pathway to personal and professional growth. By embracing the pursuit of this scholarship, you open doors to a world of knowledge, connections, and experiences that can shape your future.

  • Encouragement to Pursue the Jardine Foundation ITB Postgraduate ScholarshipEmbrace the challenge and privilege of being a Jardine Scholar. Your potential to contribute to society and make a positive impact can be further amplified through this esteemed program.
  • Final Thoughts on Embracing Student Updates and Seizing Opportunities as a ScholarStay committed to providing regular student updates that showcase your progress and engagement with the scholarship program. By doing so, you demonstrate your dedication and maximize the benefits available to you as a Jardine Scholar.

Remember, being a scholar is not just about receiving financial support; it’s about using every opportunity for personal growth, building relationships, and making a difference in the community. As you continue your studies, keep in mind the broader impact you can have as a Jardine Scholar.

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